Wie wirkt Darzalex?

Wie wirkt Darzalex?

Wie wirkt Darzalex? Der Wirkstoff in Darzalex, Daratumumab, ist ein monoklonaler Antikörper (eine Art von Protein), der speziell dafür entwickelt wurde, an das Protein CD38 zu binden, das sich in einer hohen Anzahl auf multiplen Myelomzellen findet.

Wie schnell wirkt Daratumumab?

Daten zur Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit

Wirksamkeitsendpunkt Daratumumab 16 mg/kg KG (n=106)
Partielles Ansprechen (PR) [n (\%)] 18 (17,0)
Klinische Nutzenrate (ORR+ MR) [n (\%)] 36 (34,0)
Mediane Dauer des Ansprechens [Monate] 7,4 (95\%-KI 5,5–NE)
Mediane Zeit bis zum Ansprechen [Monate] 1 (Bereich 0,9–5,6)

Wie wirkt Lenalidomid?

Die Wirkung von Lenalidomid beruht auf folgenden Eigenschaften: Hemmung der Proliferation bestimmter hämatopoetischer Tumorzellen. Hemmung der Produktion entzündungsfördernder (proinflammatorischer) Zytokine, insbesondere TNF-α und Interleukin-6. Antiangiogenese (Verhinderung oder Minderung der Gefäßneubildung)

What is VTD (Velcade + thalidomide + dexamethasone)?

VTd (Velcade® + Thalidomide + dexamethasone) is a Chemotherapy Regimen for Multiple Myeloma (MM) How does VTd work? Each of the medications in VTd is designed to kill or slow the growth of myeloma cells. V – Velcade® (Bortezomib)

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What is variablevtd (chemo)?

VTD is a treatment combination for myeloma. It is often referred to as ‘chemotherapy’ or ‘chemo’, but it is actually a combination of three diff erent types of drugs: ■ VTD is approved for use on the Velcade®(bortezomib) (a proteasome inhibitor) ■Thalidomide (an immunomodulatory drug) ■Dexamethasone

What is VTD treatment for multiple myeloma?

What is VTD? VTD is a treatment combination for myeloma. It is often referred to as ‘chemotherapy’ or ‘chemo’, but it is actually a combination of three diff erent types of drugs: VTD is approved for use on the Velcade® (bortezomib) (a proteasome inhibitor) Thalidomide (an immunomodulatory drug) Dexamethasone (a steroid)

What are the most common side effects of VTD?

In clinical studies, the most commonly reported side effects with VTd are shown here. Side effects sometimes have percentage ranges [example: 14 – 34\% have nerve pain] because they differed between clinical studies: Constipation (42\%) Tingling in fingers and toes; nerve pain (14 – 34\%) Rash (28\%) Infection (10-21\%)

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