Wie viel verdient ein NYPD Detective?

Wie viel verdient ein NYPD Detective?

Das Gehalt (sechs Jahre Erfahrung) für Beamte beläuft sich auf 90.588 US-Dollar. Benachbarte Polizeidienste zahlen hier weniger für ihre erfahrenen Beamten (48.000 US-Dollar für Neueinstellungen und maximal 90.000 US-Dollar für Erfahrene).

Was verdient ein Police Commissioner?

Das/der durchschnittliche Gehalt als Commissioner in New York City beträgt $92.618 .

Was ist ein Commissioner in Deutschland?

commissioner (of the police): Polizeipräsident(in) m ( f )

Wie viel verdient man als Detective?

Detektiv Gehalt Detektive verdienen meist zwischen 2.000 Euro und 3.500 Euro brutto im Monat. Die Einstiegsgehälter liegen mitunter nur bei 1.600 bis 1.800 Euro brutto monatlich.

How do I find a lost police officer in NYC?

Ask the desk sergeant – or whoever answers the phone – about the officer’s tour (shift) and how you might locate him or her. Call the main NYPD switchboard at 646-610-5000 if you don’t know the command or precinct but have the officer’s name.

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Who carries out law enforcement in New York City?

Law enforcement in New York City is carried out by numerous law enforcement agencies. New York City has the highest concentration of law enforcement agencies in the United States. As with the rest of the US, agencies operate at federal and state levels.

How can I locate a person in police custody in NYC?

You can locate a person who may be in police custody in any of the five boroughs. A person may be in police custody if he or she was arrested in the past 24 to 48 hours and has not yet appeared before a judge. The Police Department will only tell you whether that person is in custody and where he or she will be arraigned.

How many cops are in the New York Police Department?

The New York Police Department has 35,000 officers working in its many precincts spread throughout its five boroughs. With many officers on the streets, either on foot or on motor patrol, NYPD cops frequently interact with members of the public.

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