Wie lange Senkung nach Geburt?

Wie lange Senkung nach Geburt?

Eine Senkung in den ersten Wochen und Monaten nach der Geburt geht meist wieder vorüber: Die Dehnung des Gewebes geht zum Teil von allein zurück, der Beckenboden lässt sich außerdem durch Training gut wieder stärken.

Kann sich Blasensenkung zurückbilden?

Eine mit Beschwerden verbundene Blasensenkung bedarf häufig einer Therapie, unabhängig vom Alter der Betroffenen. Mit einer Besserung oder gar einer Spontanheilung kann nicht gerechnet werden.

What is a cystocele and how is it treated?

A cystocele is when the wall between the bladder and the vagina weakens. This can cause the bladder to drop or sag into the vagina. It may be caused by things that increase pressure on the pelvic muscles. Treatment depends on the severity of the cystocele. It may include avoiding certain activities, surgery, or other methods.

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What increases my risk of a cystocele?

Factors that increase your risk of a cystocele are childbirth, age, obesity, chronic constipation and heavy lifting. Signs and symptoms can include the feeling that something has dropped out of your vagina, leaking urine or a feeling of incomplete emptying of your bladder.

How long does it take to recover from cystocele surgery?

The patient usually goes home the day of the surgery. Complete recovery typically takes four to six weeks. For women who never plan on having sexual intercourse again, surgeries that sew the vagina shut and shorten it so it no longer bulges are nearly 100 percent effective. What can be expected after treatment for a cystocele?

How is a Grade 2 or Grade 3 cystocele diagnosed?

A Grade 2 or Grade 3 cystocele can be diagnosed from a description of symptoms and from an examination of the vagina. The doctor may also perform certain tests, including the following: Urodynamics: Measures the bladder’s ability to hold and release urine.

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