Wie lange hat man als Frau Hitzewallungen?

Wie lange hat man als Frau Hitzewallungen?

Manche Frauen haben zeitweise so oft Schweißausbrüche, dass ihr Alltag beeinträchtigt ist. Meistens lassen Hitzewallungen nach etwa 4 bis 5 Jahren von selbst wieder nach. Veränderung der Scheidenschleimhaut: Nach der Menopause ist sie meist dünner und produziert nicht mehr so viel Feuchtigkeit wie vorher.

Do hot flashes predict menopause symptoms in women over 60?

The researchers found that women 60 and older who reported moderate to severe hot flashes were likely to be married or in a committed relationship. They were less likely, though, to self-report their health as “excellent.” Caffeine appeared to boost the chances of menopausal symptoms in women older than 70.

What causes hot flashes and night sweats other than menopause?

Rarely, hot flashes and nights sweats are caused by something other than menopause. Other potential causes include medication side effects, problems with your thyroid, certain cancers and side effects of cancer treatment. Not all women who go through menopause have hot flashes, and it’s not clear why some women do have them.

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What is the best treatment for menopausal hot flashes?

Currently, the main treatment for moderate-to-severe hot flashes is menopausal hormonal therapy (MHT), which has been shown to alleviate up to 80-90\% of hot flash symptoms. 5 For women who are not candidates for MHT or choose not to select it, other non-hormonal pharmacological agents, such as antidepressants and antiepileptic drugs, are explored.

How long do menopausal symptoms last after menopause?

In fact, in the past decade, a number of studies have confirmed that for some women, menopausal symptoms can last a long time after menopause. A Swedish study of 430,000 women published in 2002 found that 15\% of women age 66 and 9\% of women age 72 still were bothered by hot flashes.