Wie kommt es zum Swyer Syndrom?

Wie kommt es zum Swyer Syndrom?

Die Hauptursache dieses Syndroms ist die Mutation oder Abwesenheit des SRY-Gens. Dieses Gen ist eines der wichtigsten Gene für die Ausbildung der männlichen Geschlechtsmerkmale. Fehlt es (Deletion) oder ist es mutiert und funktioniert nicht korrekt, kommt es zu einem Fahler bei der Entwicklung der Hoden.

What is Turner syndrome and what causes it?

Turner syndrome occurs when one of the two X chromosomes normally found in women is missing or incomplete. Although the exact cause of Turner syndrome is not known, it appears to occur as a result of a random error during the formation of either the eggs or sperm. Humans have 46 chromosomes, which contain all of a person’s genes and DNA.

How does Turner syndrome affect a person?

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Turner syndrome (TS) is a condition that affects approximately 1 out of every 2,000 girls in the United States. It is caused by the complete or partial lack of one of the female sex chromosomes. This results in a range of complications, including stunted growth and development, an increased risk of heart and kidney problems, and infertility.

What are facts about Turner syndrome?

Turner Syndrome Facts. Turner syndrome touches approximately 60,000 females in the US. This syndrome is realized in about 1 out of every 2500 births with 800 new cases diagnosed every year. The syndrome is named for Dr. Henry Turner who first issued a report which described this syndrome in 1938.

What exactly are symptoms of Turner syndrome?

10 Symptoms of Turner Syndrome Prenatal Complications. Most Turner syndrome pregnancies are not viable and do not survive the first trimester, ending in miscarriages or stillbirth. Short Stature. Abnormal Menstruation. Learning Disabilities. Short Fingers and Toes. Infertility. Social Challenges. Low-set Ears Prone to Infection. Nails Turned Upward. Puffy Hands and Feet.

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