Wer singt bei Alan Parsons Project?

Wer singt bei Alan Parsons Project?

Alan Parsons
Eric WoolfsonJohn Miles
The Alan Parsons Project/Sänger

Was macht Alan Parsons heute?

Inzwischen lebt er mit Ehefrau Lisa und zwei Töchtern im kalifornischen Santa Barbara. Karriere: Als junger Toningenieur arbeitete an den letzten Beatles-Alben „Abbey Road“ und „Let it be“ mit. Mit seiner Band Alan Parsons Project schuf er zahlreiche richtungsweisende Konzept-Alben wie „Eye in the Sky“ oder „I Robot“.

Wo lebt Alan Parsons?

Alan Parsons/Bisherige Wohnorte

Wie alt ist Alan Parsons?

73 Jahre (20. Dezember 1948)
Alan Parsons/Alter

What is the name of the Alan Parsons Project song?

Time (The Alan Parsons Project song) Jump to navigation Jump to search. „Time“ is a song released in 1981 as a single by the Alan Parsons Project. It was from their 1980 album The Turn of a Friendly Card. In the U.S., the song peaked at #15 on the Billboard Hot 100.

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When was the song time by Alan Parsons released?

“ Time “ is a song released in 1981 as a single by the Alan Parsons Project. It was from their 1980 album The Turn of a Friendly Card. In the U.S., the song peaked at #15 on the Billboard Hot 100. On the U.S. Adult Contemporary chart, „Time“ peaked at #10.

Where does Alan Parsons Project’s song ‚birds of prey‘ rank on all time lists?

Cash Box ranked it as the 94th biggest hit of 1981. Outside the US, the song peaked at #30 in Canada. The song was the first Alan Parsons Project song (and single) to feature Eric Woolfson as lead vocalist, and one of the group’s few songs in which Alan Parsons ’s own voice can be heard singing (background/counterpoint vocals).

Did Jim Parsons ever sing lead on any of his songs?

Parsons sang lead on one song (“ The Raven „) through a vocoder and backing on a few others, including „To One in Paradise“. Both of those songs appeared on Tales of Mystery and Imagination (1976). Parsons also sings a prominent counter melody on “Time”.

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