Wer operiert eine Rectocele?

Wer operiert eine Rectocele?

Die Behandlung der Rektozele erfolgt kombiniert, das heißt konservative Maßnahmen unterstützen der Erfolg einer Operation. Eine operative Therapie kann je nach genauem Befund von einem Chirurgen oder Gynäkologen durchgeführt werden.

Was bedeutet Darmsenkung?

Darmsenkung (Rectocele) Eine Rektozele (Vorfall der hinteren Scheidenwand) liegt dann vor, wenn der Enddarm mit der ausgedehnten hinteren Scheidenwand in die Scheide ragt oder sogar aus ihr heraustritt.

How long does it take to repair a rectocele?

In most cases, surgery is done under general anesthesia and takes about one hour. The most common surgical repair is a transvaginal rectocele repair, also called a posterior repair. The rectocele is reached through the vagina. It offers the chance to correct not only the rectocele but a thinned perineum and widened vaginal opening.

What is rectocele and how is it treated?

Rectocele occurs as a result of thinning and weakening of the band of tissue that separates the vagina from the rectum. If it causes symptoms such as difficult bowel movements or discomfort, it needs to be repaired. What is a rectocele? A rectocele is a bulging of the front wall of the rectum into the back of the vagina.

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What should I avoid after a rectocele repair surgery?

It is vital to avoid returning to your pattern of preoperative straining to empty your bowels after your rectocele repair. Emergency bowel management strategy is outlined below to avoid straining if you become constipated after rectocele repair surgery.

What tests are needed to diagnose rectocele after surgery?

The tests that would be required would be anorectal physiology and endo anal ultasound as this can occasionally worsen after surgery. In some cases an alternative method of repair may be recommended. In some cases the operation, whilst correcting the rectocele, may not improve bowel symptoms.