Welcher Sport bei Cholesterin?

Welcher Sport bei Cholesterin?

Ausdauersportarten wie Joggen, Nordic-Walking, Langlauf, Wandern, Radfahren und Schwimmen sind besonders geeignet, um den Cholesterinspiegel günstig zu beeinflussen. Sie senken nachweislich die Triglyceridwerte und das „schlechte“ LDL-Cholesterin, während gleichzeitig das „gute“ HDL ansteigt.

Was erhöht den HDL-Wert?

Für einen hohen HDL-Wert sind vor allem Kohlsorten wie Blumenkohl oder Brokkoli ratsam. Die Gemüsesorten liefern viele ungesättigte Fettsäuren und tragen, zum Beispiel gedünstet oder in Form eines Gemüse-Smoothies, zu einem gesunden Cholesterinspiegel bei.

How much does exercise affect HDL cholesterol levels?

The investigators reported that in research subjects exercising for at least 20 minutes, each additional 10-minute increase in exercise duration was associated with an additional 1.4 mg/dL of HDL. This meta-analysis represents the best estimate we have correlating exercise volume with HDL cholesterol levels.

How can I increase my HDL cholesterol levels?

No more than two drinks a day are recommended for men age 65 and younger. Higher levels of HDL cholesterol are associated with lower cardiovascular risk. Regular exercise is one way to increase your HDL levels. It appears that exercise duration is the most important factor in successfully elevating HDL with exercise.

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How many miles a week should I run to increase HDL-C?

Most of the exercise training studies identify a weekly mileage threshold of 7 to 10 miles/week for significant increases in HDL-C. Wood and colleagues (1983) suggested that a threshold of running approximately 8 miles per week over a 1-year period is necessary to increases in HDL-C levels.

Does running lower cholesterol?

Yes, running does lower cholesterol. In fact, all exercise at least contributes in some part to lowering cholesterol and keeping your heart healthy. Some of the reasons for this are just common-sensical. Exercise (running in particular) helps you lose weight.