Welchen Status hat Hongkong?

Welchen Status hat Hongkong?

Im Jahr 1997 erfolgte die Übergabe der Staatshoheit an die Volksrepublik China. Seitdem ist Hongkong eine chinesische Sonderverwaltungszone unter Beibehaltung einer freien Marktwirtschaft und hoher innerer Autonomie.

Wann wurde Hongkong britische Kronkolonie?

Hongkong wurde während des Ersten Opiumkriegs 1841 vom Vereinigten Königreich besetzt und durch den Vertrag von Nanking 1843 zur britischen Kronkolonie erklärt. Für viele Chinesen war die britische Kolonie Zufluchtsort vor dem Chinesischen Bürgerkrieg 1927 bis 1949.

Why was Hong Kong ceded to the British?

Hong Kong ceded to the British. In 1839, Britain invaded China to crush opposition to its interference in the country’s economic and political affairs. One of Britain’s first acts of the war was to occupy Hong Kong, a sparsely inhabited island off the coast of southeast China. In 1841, China ceded the island to the British,…

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What is it like to live in Hong Kong under British rule?

British rule in Hong Kong was not a utopia to be glorified and looked back upon. The city was rich, but harsh, in an ironic twist being far more heavy-handed and brutal than its current existence, thus overwhelmingly distant from what young people today, having never lived through it, envision it to be.

Why did Hong Kong return to China in 1997?

The two sides made an agreement that would see Hong Kong return to China in 1997 under the idea of „one country, two systems“. This basically meant that while Hong Kong would become one country with China, it would enjoy „a high degree of autonomy“ for 50 years – which means Hong Kong could have its own laws and rules during this time.

What was Hong Kong when it was governed as a colony?

British Hong Kong was Hong Kong when it was governed as a colony and British Dependent Territory of the United Kingdom.

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