Welche Tomographie gibt es?

Welche Tomographie gibt es?

Verfahren in der Medizin

  • die „klassische“ Röntgentomographie,
  • die Ultraschalldiagnostik (Sonografie),
  • die Computertomographie (CT),
  • die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT, Kernspintomografie),
  • die Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET),
  • die Einzelphotonen-Emissionscomputertomographie (SPECT),

Was gibt es noch außer MRT?

Ultraschall/Sonographie: Bei dieser Untersuchung werden Organe mit nicht hörbaren und unschädlichen Ultraschallwellen sichtbar gemacht. Die Methode wird häufig von Internisten angewandt, um beispielsweise die Leber oder die Schilddrüse darzustellen.

What is the difference between PET and petted?

Now, let’s go over a trick to remember pet vs. petted. Pet is a present tense conjugation of this verb. Petted is the main past tense conjugation. Use pet in the present. Use petted in the past tense.

What is the past tense of petted?

Yes, petted is a real word. In fact, petted is the correct past tense form of to pet. Is petted a word? Yes, petted is a wordSee above. What is the past tense of pet? While many think pet is the past tense of pet, it is actually petted. Pet is a regular verb, so it follows the standard conjugation pattern of English verbs.

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What is the verb for pet?

The word pet has a few meanings, but, in this article, I will focus on its use as a verb that means to stroke or caress, usually in regard to a domestic animal. When you pet a cat, for instance, it is likely to either start purring or bite you, depending on whether or not it wants to be touched at that moment. Pet is a regular verb.

Did You Know you can get pet insurance with petted?

We didn’t either, and when we found out, we created Petted. Getting a price for your pets insurance and wellness is super simple with Petted. We get quotes for you from all the major pet insurance providers and compare them immediately giving you the best plan and price.