Welche Nebenwirkungen hat Ezetimib?

Welche Nebenwirkungen hat Ezetimib?

Nebenwirkungen von EZETIMIB-ratiopharm 10 mg Tabletten

  • Magen-Darm-Beschwerden, wie:
  • Gelenkschmerzen.
  • Brustschmerzen.
  • Nackenschmerzen.
  • Rückenschmerzen.
  • Husten.
  • Refluxkrankheit.
  • Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen der Haut, wie:

Ist Atorvastatin ein Statin?

Der Wirkstoff Atorvastatin gehört zu den sogenannten Statinen – einer Wirkstoffgruppe, die erhöhte Cholesterinwerte senken kann. Zu viel Cholesterin im Blut begünstigt Arterienverkalkung, die unter anderem zu koronarer Herzkrankheit und Schlaganfall führen kann.

Was macht ein Lipidsenker?

Lipidsenker sind Arzneimittel zur Behandlung von Fettstoffwechselstörungen. Sie reduzieren den Cholesterin- und/oder Triglycerid-Plasmaspiegel.

Was bewirkt das Medikament Ezetimib?

Ezetimib-ratiopharm® ist ein Arzneimittel zur Senkung erhöhter Cholesterinwerte. Ezetimib-ratiopharm® senkt das Gesamtcholesterin, Werte von „schlechtem“ LDL-Cholesterin und weiteren Fetten, den sog. Triglyzeriden, im Blut.

Can you take Lipitor and niacin at the same time?

You can purchase niacin over-the counter or your doctor can prescribe it in prescription strength. Research performed at the University of Washington showed that both Lipitor and niacin are effective at lowering blood cholesterol levels when take separately.

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Does niacin help lower blood cholesterol?

Niacin is a B vitamin that helps your body convert carbohydrate nutrients into energy. You can purchase niacin over-the counter or your doctor can prescribe it in prescription strength. Research performed at the University of Washington showed that both Lipitor and niacin are effective at lowering blood cholesterol levels when take separately.

Can niacin and statins be used together to treat neuropathy?

Statins are frequently combined with niacin (vitamin B3). Due to its beneficial effects on lipid profiles, niacin has been prescribed for the prevention of heart disease for >40 years. Among the B vitamins, niacin has long been recognized as a key mediator of neuronal development and survival, and may be of value for the treatment of neuropathy.

How does Lipitor affect cholesterol levels?

Your liver makes cholesterol with the help of an enzyme called HMG CoA Reductase. Your cholesterol level decreases when you take Lipitor because the medication inhibits the enzyme. You body will boost HDL cholesterol production with the help of a niacin supplement.

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