Welche Globulis bei Husten?

Welche Globulis bei Husten?

So sind zum Beispiel bei trockenem Reizhusten Globuli wie Bryonia oder Phosphorus angezeigt. Bei krampfartigem Husten mit Würgen und Erbrechen ist beispielsweise Drosera die Empfehlung der Homöopathie. Wird der Husten nachts schlimmer, kann etwa Arsenicum oder Belladonna die geeignete Wahl sei.

Wie nehme ich Schüssler Salz Nr 3 ein?

Sie sollten das Schüßler-Salz Nr. 3 eine halbe Stunde vor oder nach den Mahlzeiten einnehmen und es vorzugsweise langsam im Mund zergehen lassen. Bei kleineren Kindern empfiehlt es sich, die Tablette/Globuli vor der Einnahme in etwas Wasser aufzulösen.

Was kostet Schüssler Salz Nr 3?

3 Ferrum phosphoricum D12. Grundpreis: 0,02 €/St.

What is ferrum phosphoricum made of?

Ferrum phosphoricum. Description. Ferrum phosphoricum, abbreviated as ferrum phos., is a homeopathic remedy compound made from iron and phosphorus . Its name is Latin for iron phosphate. The homeopathic formula of iron phosphate is derived from mixing iron sulfate, phosphate, and sodium acetate.

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What are the signs and symptoms of Ferrum Phos?

In addition, ferrum phos. patients often bleed easily; they are more prone to nosebleeds or minor bleeding from the gums at the onset of an illness. If they cough up mucus, it is likely to be streaked with blood. The homeopathic definition of „symptom“ is broader than the standard medical understanding.

Can Ferrum Phos be used to treat pale skin?

Even when a distinctive symptom does sit within the Ferrum Phos profile, such as the face alternating between pale and red, it is not often seen. As a result, Ferrum Phos is mostly used after a process of elimination – when symptoms are so vague that no other remedy suits.

When would a homeopathic practitioner prescribe Ferrum Phos?

A homeopathic practitioner might prescribe ferrum phos. for any of the following conditions: tickling coughs accompanied by chest pain. laryngitis. red and swollen tonsils. fevers that start slowly. ear infections that have not yet produced pus. incontinence, involuntary urination with coughing, bedwetting. rheumatic joints.

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