Welche Chemo bei weichteilsarkom?

Welche Chemo bei weichteilsarkom?

Nicht operable Weichteilsarkome Ein besonders erfolgversprechendes Verfahren ist die Kombination einer systemischen Chemotherapie mit einer regionalen Tiefenhyperthermie. Diese spezielle Behandlung wird jedoch nur in wenigen Zentren angeboten.

Welche Chemo bei Leiomyosarkom?

Auch ältere Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem Liposarkom oder Leiomyosarkom können von einer Chemotherapie mit Trabectedin profitieren, so die Zusammenfassung der Studienautoren.

Does leiomyosarcoma have a high death rate?

Looking into this, it can be concluded that Leiomyosarcoma has higher death rates compared to other types of cancers such as breast cancer. Leiomyosarcoma of the soft tissues is actually one of the most aggressive soft tissue cancers causing its high mortality rates. The tumour is low-grade and small (less than 5cm [2in]).

What is leiomyosarcoma of the soft tissues?

Leiomyosarcoma of the soft tissues is actually one of the most aggressive soft tissue cancers causing its high mortality rates. The tumour is low-grade and small (less than 5cm [2in]). It can be near the surface of the body (superficial) or deep within the body, but with no sign that it has spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body.

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Can leiomyosarcoma be prevented?

Being a form of sarcoma, there is no real way to prevent leiomyosarcoma. While some researchers believe they are zeroing in on certain risk factors, nothing has been proven yet. This is why it’s so important to take any kind of growth seriously and see a doctor about it right away.

Can a pathologist diagnose leiomyosarcoma?

A pathologist, which is a scientist trained to identify disease, can examine uterine tissue after a hysterectomy (surgery to remove the uterus) and make the diagnosis. Leiomyosarcomas belongs to one of five types that are based on where they form in your body: