Was tun gegen vasomotorischen Schnupfen?

Was tun gegen vasomotorischen Schnupfen?

Körperliche Aktivität scheint gegen die vasomotorische Rhinitis zu helfen. Sport, bei dem man außer Atem gerät, scheint den Luftwiderstand in der Nase zu reduzieren und zu einem natürlichen Abschwellen der Schleimhaut beizutragen. Bei einigen Patient*innen hilft eine kurzfristige Behandlung mit Nasenspray.

Was tun bei Übersensibler Nase?

Wichtig ist es, die Nasenschleimhaut zu befeuchten und zu pflegen. Häufig erweisen sich auch Nasenspülungen mit Salzlösungen als sinnvoll. Zudem verordnen Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Ärzte gegebenenfalls Medikamente, in erster Linie Kortison-Nasensprays.

What is vasomotor rhinitis?

Characterized by a combination of symptoms that includes nasal obstruction and rhinorrhea, vasomotor rhinitis is a diagnosis of exclusion reached after taking a careful history, performing a physical examination, and, in select cases, testing the patient with known allergens.

Is VMR caused by allergic rhinitis?

In other words, VMR is due to very sensitive nerve endings, that when irritated lead to the congestion and stuffy nose frequently observed in allergic rhinitis or hay fever. However, the process has nothing to do with the allergic antibody IgE.

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What are the approaches to the management of rhinitis?

Specific approaches to the management of rhinitis in children, athletes, pregnant women, and older adults are discussed. Topical anticholinergics should be used for rhinorrhea caused by vasomotor rhinitis. Azelastine (Astelin) may be used for vasomotor rhinitis associated with rhinorrhea, sneezing, postnasal drip, and nasal congestion.

Which physical findings are characteristic of vasomotor rhinitis (hay fever)?

  Environmental triggers that affect vasomotor rhinitis patients may include strong odors, cold air exposure, alcohol ingestion, and/or spicy foods. Physical exam often reveals boggy edematous mucosa with clear mucoid secretions. Mucosal injection and lymphoid hyperplasia involving the tonsils, adenoids, and lingual tonsils may be present.