Was passiert wenn man ein Melanom hat?

Was passiert wenn man ein Melanom hat?

Die Betroffenen sind meist geheilt. Einige Melanome haben jedoch in die nähere Umgebung gestreut oder sich so weit entwickelt, dass sie sich im ganzen Körper ausgebreitet haben. Operation, Medikamente oder Bestrahlung können bei fortgeschrittenem Hautkrebs das Wachstum aufhalten und Beschwerden lindern.

Wo streut ein Melanom?

Das oberflächlich ausbreitende Melanom wächst häufig an Rücken, Brust, Armen und Beinen. Das knotige Melanom wächst ebenfalls häufig an Rücken, Brust, Armen und Beinen. Das Lentigo-maligna-Melanom wächst meist an Körperstellen, die der UV-Strahlung besonders ausgesetzt sind – wie die sog. Sonnenterrassen der Haut.

How do I know if I have melanoma?

The ABCDEs of melanoma can help you find changes to a mole, freckle, or other spot on your skin. To help you find melanoma early, the American Academy of Dermatology developed the following: This short video shows you how you can examine your skin for signs of skin cancer.

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What is the likelihood that melanoma will reoccur?

The likelihood that melanoma will reoccur or spread depends on its thickness, how fast the cells are dividing and whether or not the overlying skin has broken down. Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Globally, in 2012, it newly occurred in 232,000 people.

What are the abcdes of melanoma?

To help people find a possible melanoma on their skin, dermatologists created the ABCDEs of melanoma: One half of the spot is unlike the other half. The spot has an irregular, scalloped, or poorly defined border. The spot has varying colors from one area to the next, such as shades of tan, brown or black, or areas of white, red, or blue.

Does melanoma hurt to have?

You can have melanoma without feeling any pain or discomfort. For many people, the only sign of this skin cancer is a spot that has some of the ABCDEs of melanoma or a line beneath a nail. Sometimes, melanoma causes discomfort. It can: How do people find signs of melanoma on their own skin?

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