Was lauft aktuell in der ARD?

Was läuft aktuell in der ARD?

ARD Sendungen

Zeit Titel Genre
04:50 – 05:30 Mo 10.01. Weltspiegel 2022 Korrespondentenberichte
05:30 – 09:00 Mo 10.01. ZDF-Morgenmagazin 2022 Magazin
09:00 – 09:05 Mo 10.01. Tagesschau D 2022 Nachrichten
09:05 – 09:55 Mo 10.01. Live nach Neun D 2022 Magazin

Was läuft jetzt live im ZDF?

ZDF Programm

  • : ZDF-Morgenmagazin. 05:30 – 09:00.
  • : heute Xpress. 09:00 – 09:05.
  • : Volle Kanne – Service täglich. 09:05 – 10:30.
  • : Notruf Hafenkante. 10:30 – 11:15.
  • : SOKO Wismar. 11:15 – 12:00.
  • : heute. 12:00 – 12:10.
  • : drehscheibe. Jetzt12:10 – 13:00.
  • : ARD-Mittagsmagazin. 13:00 – 14:00.

Welcher Kanal ist ARD?

Die Radiosender der ARD sind über ASTRA 19,2° Ost auf den Satelliten-Transpondern 39 und 61 zu finden. Auf Transponder 39 sind die ARD-Hörfunkprogramme des BR, NDR, RB, SR, SWR, WDR und auf Transponder 61 die Hörfunkprogramme von HR, MDR, RBB.

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What is the ARD program in Pennsylvania?

What Is The ARD Program In PA? The Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) program in Pennsylvania offers non-violent first-time offenders an option for expungement of the charges brought against them upon successful completion of rehabilitation and supervision.

What happens during the ARD program in Texas?

Once in the ARD program, the defendant is under a period of supervision that is like probation. The maximum period of supervision under the ARD program is two years. During this time, the defendant will undergo drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment and likely complete community service.

What does ARD mean on a criminal record?

ARD stands for Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition. ARD is a program for first time offenders. If you successfully complete the program, the prosecutor will dismiss the case and you can expunge your criminal record. However, expungement after ARD doesn’t really mean that the record goes away forever.

How long does the ARD program last for a DUI?

For a typical DUI case, the length is usually 12 months. Once the time is up and you have completed all the requirements of the program, you will have successfully completed the ARD program and the case is eligible for expungment. What happens if I don’t agree to the terms of the ARD program?

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