Was ist Xanthome?

Was ist Xanthome?

Xanthome und Xanthelasmen (Gelbknoten): Kleine, meist gelbliche Fettablagerungen vor allem an den Augenlidern (Xanthelasma palpebrarum), an den Knien, Ellenbogen, Händen oder Füßen (Xanthoma tuberosum) sowie an den Achillessehnen (Xanthoma tendinosum).

Wie bekommt man Milien Weg aus dem Gesicht?

Ab zum Profi: Wenn Sie Milien entfernen wollen, machen Sie sich am besten einen Termin im Kosmetikstudio oder beim Hautarzt. Die Behandlung ist einfach und nahezu schmerzlos. Die Haut wird leicht eingeschnitten und die Ablagerungen herausgedrückt. Alternativ kann auch ein Laser zum Einsatz kommen.

What is xanthoma in birds?

However, there is another, less common fatty tumor-like mass known as xanthoma that should be considered, especially when evaluating birds with one or more skin masses. In this brief article, xanthomas in birds, cats and dogs will be reviewed with a special focus on the use of cytology and histopathology to diagnose this unique entity.

What is xanthomatosis or xanthogranuloma?

Xanthomas (also known as xanthomatosis or xanthogranuloma) appear as discrete yellow nodules, plaques or thickenings in the skin (Figure 1) that can increase in size over time and be locally invasive.

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What are the cytologic features of xanthoma?

An example of cytologic features typical of a xanthoma is shown in figure 3. The predominant cell type found in cytologic specimens is finely vacuolated (foamy or lipid-laden) macrophages. Multinucleated giant cells and low numbers of neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes and plasma cells may also be present.

How is xanthomatosis diagnosed in animals?

When solitary or multiple cutaneous xanthomas (“xanthomatosis”) are identified in animals, evaluation of the diet for high fat content (especially seed-based diets in birds) and determination of serum cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations are indicated.