Was ist wichtiger Kreatinin oder GFR?

Was ist wichtiger Kreatinin oder GFR?

Der kreatininblinde Bereich entspricht etwa einer GFR von 50 bis 90 ml/min/1,73m2. Das Serumkreatinin wird erst pathologisch, wenn die Nierenfunktion bereits um mehr als 50 \% vermindert ist. Deshalb ist Kreatinin als isolierter Marker für die Früherkennung einer Nierenerkrankung nicht gut geeignet.

Wie berechnet sich der GFR?

Die bislang häufig angewandte Creatinin-basierte vereinfachte Modified Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD)-Formel berücksichtigt Serum-Creatinin, Alter, Geschlecht und ethnische Herkunft….GFR-Berechnung nach der CKD-EPI-Formel.

Kreatinin im Serum mg/dl
Hautfarbe schwarz nicht schwarz
Ihr GFR-Wert (CKD-EPI-Formel): ml/min/1.73m2

Is creatinine clearance the same as GFR?

Alternatively, the biochemical marker creatinine found in serum and urine is commonly used in the estimation of GFR. Creatinine clearance (CrCl) is the volume of blood plasma cleared of creatinine per unit time. It is a rapid and cost-effective method for the measurement of renal function.

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Is serum creatinine an insensitive biomarker of early changes in GFR?

Tubular secretion, an altered production rate, and analytical specificity mean that it is not applicable in all clinical situations, and interpretation often remains an art. The professional perception that serum creatinine is an insensitive biomarker of early changes in GFR is totally incorrect.

What is the relationship between serum concentration and GFR?

The fact that the relationship between serum concentration and GFR is a reciprocal function explains how the relatively small changes in concentration that occur in the early stages of renal function decline are followed by an accelerating increase.

What is the reciprocal function of creatinine and GFR in kidney disease?

This reciprocal function is not unique to creatinine but is true for any biomarker of GFR. The physics is confirmed by Spanaus et al. ( 1) in the disease staging according to Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative guidelines.