Was ist Pneumatose?

Was ist Pneumatose?

Als Pneumatosis intestinalis bezeichnet man Gasansammlungen in der Darmwand (intramural), wie sie z.B. im Rahmen einer Darmischämie, nekrotisierenden Enterokolitis, Sepsis oder Volvulus vorkommen können. Je nach der betroffenen Wandschicht kann man eine subseröse und eine submuköse Form unterscheiden.

Was ist Pneumatosis Intestinalis?

Die Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (PCI), welche auch als Colitis cystica, Pseudolipomatosis, Lymphopneuma- tosis oder Emphysema intestinalis bezeichnet wird, ist eine Erkrankung, die mit einer Gasansammlung in der Darmwand einhergeht.

What is pneumatosis intestinalis?

Pneumatosis intestinalis (PI) is an uncommon condition characterized by multiple air-filled cystic lesions in the submucosa or subserosa of the intestine. Patient presentation ranges from asymptomatic to diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, or rectal bleeding [1].

What does this MDCT image show for intestinal pneumatosis intestinalis?

Coronal reformatted MDCT image showing extensive pneumatosis intestinalis in the left upper quadrant small bowel. The pneumatosis is more cystic and nodular in the small bowel in the midline and the right of midline. This patient had a relatively benign presentation without bowel ischemia and was treated conservatively.

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What causes pneumatosis intestinalis after chest tube placement?

It can occur with barotrauma and after chest tube placement. It may relate to increased intrathoracic pressure associated with retching and vomiting. The possibility remains that occasionally the origin of pneumatosis intestinalis will remain cryptogenic–caused but unexplained.

What is the pathophysiology of pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis?

The cysts are submucosal, subserosal, or both, and are usually an incidental finding at laparotomy. Secondary pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis can be associated with a proximal gastrointestinal lesion such as pyloric stenosis or with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.