Was ist eine Statinbehandlung?

Was ist eine Statinbehandlung?

Statine sind die derzeit effektivsten LDL-Cholesterin-senkenden Medikamente mit breitem klinischem Nutzen. Ihre weite Anwendung stößt allerdings an Grenzen bezüglich unerwünschter Wirkungen wie die Entwicklung eines Diabetes mellitus, die Erhöhung von Leberenzymen, aber insbesondere Statin-assoziierte Myopathien.

Wie gut sind Statine?

Statine gelten als gut verträglich, sicher und effektiv. Sie verringern das Risiko kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen, indem sie das LDL-Cholesterin über eine Hemmung der HMG-CoA-Reduktase senken. Die HMG-CoA-Reduktase-Inhibitoren haben jedoch Eigenschaften, die häufig zu Fehlern bei der Verschreibung führen.

Was macht ein Lipidsenker?

Lipidsenker sind Arzneimittel zur Behandlung von Fettstoffwechselstörungen. Sie reduzieren den Cholesterin- und/oder Triglycerid-Plasmaspiegel.

When is moderate- to high-intensity statin therapy indicated in patients with ASCVD?

In persons 40 to 75 years of age without clinical ASCVD or diabetes and with an estimated 10-year ASCVD risk of 7.5\% or greater, moderate- to high-intensity statin therapy should be used. If the 10-year risk of ASCVD is 5\% to less than 7.5\%, treatment with a moderate-intensity statin is reasonable.

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How do you calculate global risk assessment for statins?

GLOBAL RISK ASSESSMENT FOR PRIMARY PREVENTION. The absolute risk reduction in ASCVD events associated with statin therapy can be estimated by multiplying the 10-year ASCVD risk by the anticipated relative risk reduction based on the intensity of the statin (roughly 30\% for moderate intensity and 45\% for high intensity).

What is the difference between a high-intensity and moderate-intensity statin?

Age ≤ 75 years and no safety concerns: high-intensity statin (COE = I; LOE = A) Age > 75 years or safety concerns: moderate-intensity statin (COE = I; LOE = A) Consider LDL-C–lowering nonstatin therapy to further reduce LDL-C (COE = IIb; LOE = C)

When is statin therapy not recommended for patients with heart failure?

Statin therapy is not routinely recommended for individuals with New York Heart Association class II to IV heart failure or who are receiving maintenance hemodialysis Assess adherence, response to therapy, and adverse effects within 4 to 12 weeks following statin initiation or change in therapy (COE = I; LOE = A)

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