Was ist eine Knocheninsel?

Was ist eine Knocheninsel?

Osteome sind in der Regel Zufallsbefund bei asymptomatischen Patienten. Sie existieren sowohl als Befunde im Knochen (Enostose, Knocheninsel) wie auch als juxtakortikale Läsion (Befund außen am Knochen) und sind in ihrer klassischen Form im Schädel häufiger anzutreffen als im Extremitätenbereich.

Was ist eine Knochensklerose?

Als Osteosklerose (Synonym: Eburnisation, Eburneation, von altgriechisch ὀστούν ostoun, deutsch ‚Knochen‘ und σκληρός sklēros, deutsch ‚hart‘) wird eine Sklerose (Verhärtung) des Knochengewebes bezeichnet.

What is chondroblastic osteosarcoma?

Associated ring and arc calcifications medially were consistent with the chondroblastic subtype. Osteosarcoma, chondroblastic subtype, with venous invasion and subsequent tumor emboli to the lungs Osteosarcoma, with its many subtypes, is a common diagnosis in a tertiary care pediatric hospital.

What is osteosarcoma with tumor thrombus?

Osteosarcoma, chondroblastic subtype, with venous invasion and subsequent tumor emboli to the lungs Osteosarcoma, with its many subtypes, is a common diagnosis in a tertiary care pediatric hospital. However, osteosarcoma with tumor thrombus has been reported in only a handful of cases.

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Should fine-needle aspiration be used to diagnose chronic chondroblastic osteosarcoma?

Chondroblastic osteosarcoma (COS) is a uniformly fatal bone malignancy if not diagnosed and treated appropriately in a timely manner. Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) of osseous lesions is routinely performed in major medical centers. Appropriate characterization of the tumor will significantly influence patient management and outcomes.

What is the differential diagnosis of chondroblastoma (Cos)?

The differential diagnosis of COS includes chondroblastoma, chondrosarcoma, and chondroid chordoma. A definitive diagnosis can be made with clinical and radiological correlation. Cancer Cytopathol 2016;124:493–500. © 2016 American Cancer Society.