Was ist ein IAS Aneurysma?

Was ist ein IAS Aneurysma?

Interatriales Septum – Aneurysma Aneu IAS = Aneurysma des interatrialen Septums, LA = linker Vorhof, RA = rechter Vorhof.

Was ist die Krankheit ASD?

Beim Vorhofseptumdefekt (ASD, Atriumseptumdefekt) befindet sich ein Loch zwischen den Vorhöfen. Je nach Größe des Lochs gelangt das sauerstoffreiche Blut, das aus der Lunge kommt, nicht vollständig in den Körperkreislauf, sondern erneut in den Lungenkreislauf (sogenannter Shunt).

What is an aneurysm of the interatrial septum?

An aneurysm of the interatrial septum is an infrequent finding in adult patients. ASA formation may be secondary to raised interatrial pressure gradients, producing a bulging septal shift toward the low-pressure side 1 ; however, it has been also found in patients with normal atrial pressures, 3 suggesting a primary (congenital?) malformation.

Is atrial septal aneurysm a risk factor for stroke?

Atrial septal aneurysm is rare (ASA) and is most often an accidental finding however it could be a contributing factor to cardioembolic stroke even though no thrombus in aneurysm or left atrium can be seen in transthoracic echo. Patient was started on anticoagulants and rate control for atrial fibrillation.

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What are the treatment options for atrial septal aneurysm?

In case of atrial arrhythmia, specific treatment is given. In the case of embolic episode, the patient needs antiplatelet drugs, preferably oral anticoagulation for secondary prevention of cardioembolic episode. The efficacy of aspirin therapy is suggested by the French PFO-atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) study.

Is atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) compatible with cardiogenic embolism?

A retrospective study by Mugge A et al. reported that patients with ASA, and especially those with shunts showed increased frequency of clinical events in their past compatible with cardiogenic embolism. Atrial septal aneurysm was often the only source of embolism as judged by transesophageal echocardiography (1).