Was ist boerhaave Syndrome?

Was ist boerhaave Syndrome?

Als Boerhaave-Syndrom bezeichnet man die spontane Ruptur aller Wandschichten des Ösophagus. Die bevorzugte Lokalisation ist das distale Drittel der Ösophaguswand links dorsolateral direkt über dem Zwerchfell (supradiaphragmal).

Was ist eine Oesophagitis?

Eosinophile Ösophagitis ist eine chronische Autoimmunerkrankung der Speiseröhre, die zu einer eosinophil-dominanten Entzündung der Speiseröhre führt; diese kann Reflux-ähnliche Symptome, Dysphagie und das Einklemmen von Lebensmitteln verursachen.

What is Boerhaave best known for?

Herman Boerhaave ( Dutch: [ˈɦɛrmɑn ˈbuːrˌɦaːvə], 31 December 1668 – 23 September 1738) was a Dutch botanist, chemist, Christian humanist, and physician of European fame. He is regarded as the founder of clinical teaching and of the modern academic hospital and is sometimes referred to as „the father…

Who was Hermann Boerhaave?

The Dutch physician and chemist Hermann Boerhaave (1668-1738) was the leading medical teacher of the early 18th century. His works on medicine and chemistry had widespread use as basic textbooks. Hermann Boerhaave was born on Dec. 31, 1668, at Voorhout, Holland, the son of a minister in the Dutch Reformed Church.

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What is Boerhaave syndrome of the esophagus?

Boerhaave syndrome is a transmural perforation of the esophagus to be distinguished from Mallory-Weiss syndrome, a nontransmural esophageal tear also associated with vomiting. Because it often is associated with emesis, Boerhaave syndrome usually is not truly spontaneous.

What is boboerhaave’s syndrome?

Boerhaave’s Syndrome is one of the most lethal disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, with mortality rates up to 40\%. Symptoms may vary, and diagnosis can be challenging. In addition, several factors, including difficulty assessing the esophagus and the unusual blood supply of the organ, contribute to the condition’s high morbidity.