Was ist Beta-Thalassamie Minor?

Was ist Beta-Thalassämie Minor?

Je nach Schweregrad unterscheidet man bei einer Beta-Thalassämie zwischen: Thalassaemia minor. Betroffene erben von einem Elternteil die genetische Veränderung, vom anderen Elternteil das Gen ohne Veränderung (heterozygot, „mischerbig“). Sie sind Trägerin/Träger der Erkrankung und können diese an ihre Kinder vererben.

Was bedeutet Thalassemia?

Thalassämien (auch Mittelmeeranämien) sind eine Gruppe von genetisch bedingten Erkrankungen, bei denen die Bildung roter Blutkörperchen (Erythrozyten) durch einen Gendefekt gestört ist. Als Folge bildet der Körper zu wenig oder gar keinen roten Blutfarbstoff (Hämoglobin) oder dieser wird zu schnell abgebaut.

What is beta-thalassemia minor (beta-Thalassia trait)?

β-thalassemia minor or β-thalassemia trait refers to patients with a single defect in the β-globin gene, causing reduced expression of the beta chains. Patients are mildly anemic, hypochromic, and microcytic. The hallmark of β-thalassemia minor is an HbEP with an elevated HbA 2.

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How do I know if I have beta thalassemia?

Beta thalassemia disease is a lifelong illness with serious health problems. The only way to know if you have beta thalassemia trait is to have a simple blood test. Talk to your physician about genetic testing and counseling if you or a member of your family member has beta thalassemia trait.

What is thalassemia (Thal-UH-See-Mee-UH)?

Thalassemia (thal-uh-SEE-mee-uh) is a blood disorder that is inherited. This means it is passed down from one or both parents through their genes. When you have thalassemia, your body makes less hemoglobin than normal.

What are the symptoms of thalassemia in children?

Beta thalassemia major: This is the most severe type of this disorder. Children born with this type will have symptoms early in life that include: Over time more symptoms will appear, including: Without treatment, the spleen, liver, and heart become enlarged. Bones can also become thin, brittle, and deformed.


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