Was hilft bei Schuppen Teenager?

Was hilft bei Schuppen Teenager?

Die hormonelle Veränderung in der Pubertät und die dadurch gesteigerte Talgproduktion ist häufig der Auslöser. In der Regel können bei Jugendlichen ab 12 Jahren die Schuppen mit medizinischen Shampoos aus der Apotheke, wie der Terzolin® Lösung mit Ketoconazol, behandelt werden.

Wie kommt es zu Schuppen?

Eine trockene Kopfhaut kann zu trockenen, feinen Schuppen führen. Heizungsluft, Klimaanlagen oder ein stark entfettendes Shampoo kommen zum Beispiel als Auslöser dafür infrage. Fettige Kopfschuppen bilden sich dagegen eher, wenn jemand zu fettiger Kopfhaut neigt.

How does stress affect dandruff?

Stress can affect dandruff even though it does not cause the condition. People under stress often have an impaired immune system. Because of this, they may not be able to effectively fight pityrosporum ovale. Dandruff itself may even raise a person’s stress level because it is an embarrassing condition.

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Can dandruff be caused by stress?

Stress doesn’t cause dandruff, however it can aggravate an existing dandruff problem and make it seem worse Dandruff itself is caused by a naturally occurring microbe, Malassezia globosa, which is always present on the scalp. Its presence is not affected by stress.

What is the best way to treat severe dandruff?

Apple cider vinegar is also often used as a natural remedy to get rid of dandruff. The acidity of the vinegar is believed to help stimulate the shedding of dead skin cells on the scalp. Apple cider vinegar is also said to balance the pH of the skin to reduce the growth of fungus and thus fight dandruff.

What causes extreme dandruff?

The exact cause of dandruff is unknown. Possible causes and associations include increased oil production and secretion, and increased numbers of normal skin yeasts. Bacteria have not been found to cause dandruff.