Was gibt es in amerikanischen Schulen?

Was gibt es in amerikanischen Schulen?

Es existieren Pflichtfächer wie Amerikanische Geschichte, Englisch, Mathematik oder Sport, die belegt werden müssen. Des Weiteren gibt es verschiedene Wahlfächer….Das Schulsystem in den USA

  • Astronomie,
  • Fremdsprachen,
  • Theater- und Filmwissenschaften,
  • Design/Architektur,
  • Kreatives Schreiben,
  • oder Journalismus.

What are the standards for high school physical education in California?

The State of California also put into place three standards for high school physical education programs. These standards are: Students need to demonstrate an understanding of motor skills and movement patterns, as well as determining the strategies they need to complete various physical education activities and exercises.

Are there any California Board of Education approved materials for PE?

Resources and guidance on selected content areas, and instructional strategies to aid parents, teachers, and other education professionals in helping California’s future leaders learn, grow, and develop. There are no State Board of Education approved kindergarten through grade eight materials in PE.

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What is the California Department of Education (CDE)?

Federal and state laws require the California Department of Education (CDE) to monitor implementation of categorical programs operated by local educational agencies (LEAs). LEAs are responsible for creating and maintaining programs which meet minimum fiscal and programmatic requirements.

What is the purpose of PE standards?

These standards focus on the content of PE and incorporate the details required to guide the development of consistent, high-quality PE instructional programs aimed at student learning and achievement. Standards provide a comprehensive vision of what students need to know and be able to do at each grade level.