Was bedeutet Panlobulares Emphysem?

Was bedeutet Panlobuläres Emphysem?

Das panlobuläre Lungenemphysem betrifft bevorzugt die unteren Lungenfelder. Die Lunge ist voluminös und besteht histologisch aus abnorm großen Alveolarräumen, die sich subpleural blasenförmig ausweiten können (Bullae). Die verbleibende Alveolarwand ist stellenweise fibrotisch verdickt.

Was ist eine Lungenemphysem?

Ein Lungenemphysem ist eine chronische Aufblähung der Lungen durch Luft. Das Gasvolumen wird dadurch erhöht, das Ausatmen fällt dem Betroffenen schwer. Meist sind nicht alle Lungenabschnitte beteiligt.

What is Panlobular emphysema?

Panlobular emphysema is a morphological descriptive type of emphysema that is depicted by permanent destruction of the entire acinus distal to the respiratory bronchioles with no „obvious“ associated fibrosis. Panacinar emphysema is characterised by permanent destruction of the airspaces (alveoli) distal to the respiratory bronchioles.

What is the pathophysiology of panacinar emphysema?

Panacinar emphysema is characterised by permanent destruction of the airspaces (alveoli) distal to the respiratory bronchioles. The pathogenesis relates to an intrinsic imbalance in the activity of protease/elastase released and an inhibitor of protease – alpha-1 antitrypsin.

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How is global paraseptal emphysema (CLE) scored?

The score sheet recorded also the predominant pattern of emphysema (CLE or PLE) in upper, mid and lower zones. Global paraseptal emphysema was scored independently of CLE and PLE as follows: none, mild, moderate, severe.

What is the difference between Cle and PLE in emphysema?

The latter suggest that CLE and PLE may be differently related to small-airway disease and airflow obstruction and that they may display different inflammatory changes. 21-25 However, several questions on the significance of the emphysema phenotypes are still unanswered.