Was bedeutet 350 CD m²?

Was bedeutet 350 CD m²?

„cd/m2“ steht für „Candela pro Quadratmeter“ und ist die Einheit, in der die Leuchtdichte gemessen wird. Die Leuchtdichte ist das, was umgangssprachlich als Helligkeit einer leuchtenden Fläche bezeichnet wird. Der Lichtstärke – gemessen in Candela – wird hier auf die Fläche des Leuchtkörpers bezogen.

Was bedeutet 250 cd m2?

Die Helligkeit wird normalerweise in cd/m² (Candela pro Quadratmeter) angegeben. Candela bezeichnet die Lichtdichte, bzw. Für unser Auge ist ein Wert von 250 bis 300 cd/m2 optimal. Bei einem helleren Wert besteht die Gefahr, dass die Augen zu schnell ermüden.

Was bedeutet Helligkeit 250 cd m2?

What is the full form of CD?

compact disc (CD): A compact disc is a portable storage medium that can be used to record, store and play back audio, video and other data in digital form.

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What are the dimensions of a CD?

A standard compact disc measures 4.7 inches, or 120 millimeters (mm), across, is 1.2 mm thick, weighs between 15 grams and 20 grams, and has a capacity of 80 minutes of audio, or 650 megabytes (MB) to 700 MB of data. A CD works by focusing a 780 nanometer wavelength semiconductor laser onto a single track of the disc.

What is the difference between a CD and a CD RW?

Compact disc formats. The CD-RW follows the Orange Book standard. CD-Recordable. The CD-R is a compact disc that can be written to once and read many times. Like the CD-RW, it follows the Orange Book, but unlike the CD-RW, the CD-R can be read on CD players released prior to its own introduction.

What is a mini CD single CD3 format?

The Mini CD single CD3 format was originally created for use for singles in the late 1980s, but met with limited success, particularly in the US. The smaller CDs were more successful in Japan and had a resurgence in Europe early this century, marketed as „Pock it“ CDs, being small enough to fit in a shirt pocket.

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