Warum schwankt der PSA-Wert?

Warum schwankt der PSA-Wert?

Das Prostataspezifische Antigen, kurz PSA, wird zwecks Spermaverflüssigung in der Prostata eines jeden Mannes gebildet. Bei Veränderungen des Prostatagewebes, beispielsweise durch ein Prostatakarzinom oder eine gutartige Prostatavergrößerung, schwankt die PSA-Produktion und damit der im Blut gemessene PSA-Wert.

Können PSA-Werte schwanken?

Schwankende PSA-Werte sind grundsätzlich engmaschig zu beobachten. Bei einem Anstieg um mehr als 0,75 ng/ml pro Jahr kann etwa eine Prostata-Entzündung, Prostatahyperplasie oder aber sogar ein Prostatakrebs vorliegen.

What does it mean when your PSA level keeps going up?

A continuous rise: PSA levels that continue to rise after two or more tests may mean you have cancer. But the PSA level alone doesn’t determine if you have cancer or not. Two men can even have the same PSA levels but different risks of prostate cancer. And a high PSA level may reflect prostate problems that aren’t cancer.

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Can two men with the same PSA level have different risks?

Two men with the same PSA level may have very different risks of prostate cancer depending on other risk factors. Factors other than prostate cancer can cause the PSA level to be higher. These include: An enlarged prostate and prostate inflammation (prostatitis). Urinary tract infection.

What to do if PSA is high in prostate cancer?

If the PSA level continues to increase or if your healthcare provider finds a lump during a DRE, you may need other tests, including: 1 Transrectal ultrasound and prostate biopsies. 2 Prostate MRI. 3 Iso PSA or 4Kscore® (more blood tests).

What is the difference between PSA testing and prostate cancer staging?

However, PSA testing can be used to help diagnose prostate cancer, determine a prognosis for those who have prostate cancer, and track progression of the cancer or response to treatment. Staging of prostate cancer is used to communicate how advanced the disease is and to help plan treatment.

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