Warum Fluorid im Wasser?

Warum Fluorid im Wasser?

In geringen Mengen kann Fluorid helfen, Karies zu verhüten. Es kann kleine Zahnschmelz- schäden reparieren, die nach säurehaltigen Mahlzeiten auftreten. Da Fluorid natürlicherweise in der Umwelt vorkommt, ist es auch im Wasser enthalten. Meerwasser enthält z.B. rund 1 mg Fluorid pro Liter.

Ist unser Wasser Fluoridiert?

Der Fluoridgehalt im deutschen Trinkwasser ist sehr niedrig, der Grenzwert liegt bei 1,5 Milligramm pro Liter. Lediglich was das Trinkwasser angeht, zeigt Deutschland eine kritische Sichtweise, indem es das Wasser nicht künstlich fluoridiert wie es zum Beispiel die USA tun.

Does London have fluoride in its water?

The City of London draws its water supply from Lakes Huron and Erie, which have relatively low natural fluoride levels. Fluoride is added to drinking water to help people have the best possible dental health. 2

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Is there fluoride in the tap water in Scotland?

The tap water is fluoride-contaminated wastewater with a nominal fluoride concentration of 1.0 ppm. “None of the water supplied by Southern Water has fluoride added to it. Fluoride occurs naturally in very low levels.” Scotland does not inflict forced-fluoridation on its population.

How much fluoride is in the water in the north west?

“Water supplies in the North West are naturally low in fluoride – and normally contain less than 0.2mg fluoride per litre.” Occupied by the enemy since 1964. The tap water is fluoride-contaminated wastewater with a nominal fluoride concentration of 1.0 ppm.

Is there fluoride in the drinking water in Madrid?

Madrid, Spain Not occupied by the enemy (less than 0.3). The following documents show that drinking water in Spain is mostly well below the fluoride concentrations used for artificial fluoridation. The Basque Country is the only region in which forced-fluoridation is the norm, as a result of legislation there.

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