Sind Mary Kay Produkte Tierversuchsfrei?

Sind Mary Kay Produkte Tierversuchsfrei?

Die Richtlinien von Mary Kay sind unverändert: Mary Kay unterstützt keine Tierversuche und setzt sich für deren Abschaffung ein. Wir führen keine Tierversuche für unsere Produkte oder Inhaltsstoffe durch und bitten auch andere nicht, dies in unserem Namen zu tun, es sei denn, dies ist gesetzlich vorgeschrieben.

Wie lange sind Ampullen haltbar?

Artikel, die länger als 30 Monate haltbar, nicht geöffnet (Spraydosen) oder sofort vollständig verbraucht werden (Ampullen, Serum), benötigen keine Angaben zur Haltbarkeit. Das Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum ist KEIN Verfallsdatum!

Is Mary Kay Cosmetics a good brand?

Enjoy reading our tips and recommendations. Mary Kay’s cosmetic products not only look great on, but they feel weightless and natural. The selection of colors and formulas is for all skin types and shades. The brand is a affordable. And compared with supermarket products are good.

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Is Mary Kay removing parabens from their products?

***Update: A Mary Kay consultant contacted me January 2017 sharing that Mary Kay is removing parabens from quite a few of their products (see pics below for list). That is wonderful!!!!

Can I join Mary Kay as a beauty consultant?

Anybody who loves the Mary Kay products, and have an entrepreneurial spirit are welcomed to join the company as a beauty consultant. You might be interested to know that a minority group of Beauty Consultants has turned the Mary Kay business into their full-time job, while the majority struggles to stay afloat.

Is Mary Kay good for forehead wrinkles?

Mary Kay is a popular brand in the industry because it has been proven to be effective. Apart from using high-quality ingredients extracted from plants, they also leave harmful chemicals out. Several customers all over the country have testified that Mary Kay Skin Care products helped them get rid of forehead wrinkles and fine lines.

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