Kann PSA-Wert verfalschen?

Kann PSA-Wert verfälschen?

Durch die altersbedingte Prostatavergrößerung ist auch ein erhöhter PSA-Wert keine Seltenheit. Wenn Sie Medikamente oder Nahrungsergänzungsmittel gegen eine gutartige Prostatavergrößerung einnehmen, können diese das PSA-Testergebnis verfälschen.

Was sollte man vor einem PSA-Test nicht machen?

Damit der Wert nicht in die Irre führt, sollte man an den Tagen vor dem Test Reizungen der Prostata vermeiden, zum Beispiel durch Fahrradfahren, Sex und starkes Pressen beim Stuhlgang. Auch fiebrige Infektionen verfälschen den PSA-Wert.

What does it mean when your PSA level keeps going up?

A continuous rise: PSA levels that continue to rise after two or more tests may mean you have cancer. But the PSA level alone doesn’t determine if you have cancer or not. Two men can even have the same PSA levels but different risks of prostate cancer. And a high PSA level may reflect prostate problems that aren’t cancer.

What are free PSAs and how do they work?

The name comes from the fact that free PSAs flow through your blood solo, without being attached to other proteins as are regular PSAs. The ratio of your free PSAs to your overall PSA levels can give a better picture about your prostate cancer risk. The amount of free PSA is lower in men who have prostate cancer.

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Is there a PSA level below which the risk of cancer zero?

There is no PSA level below which the risk of cancer is zero. Two men with the same PSA level may have very different risks of prostate cancer depending on other risk factors. Factors other than prostate cancer can cause the PSA level to be higher.

Can two men with the same PSA level have different risks?

Two men with the same PSA level may have very different risks of prostate cancer depending on other risk factors. Factors other than prostate cancer can cause the PSA level to be higher. These include: An enlarged prostate and prostate inflammation (prostatitis). Urinary tract infection.