Welche Nebenwirkungen hat Bromazepam?

Welche Nebenwirkungen hat Bromazepam?

Bei jedem hundertsten bis tausendsten Patienten kommt es zu Nebenwirkungen wie Appetitsteigerung, Zu- oder Abnahme des sexuellen Verlangens, Schwindelgefühl, Bewegungskoordinationsstörungen, Übelkeit, Durchfall, Mundtrockenheit, unzulänglicher Atmung (Atemdepression), Muskelschwäche und Blutdruckabfall.

Wie gefährlich ist Lexotanil?

Die Einnahme von Lexotanil oder verwandter Substanzen (Benzodiazepine) kann zur Entwicklung einer körperlichen und psychischen Abhängigkeit führen. Das Risiko einer Abhängigkeit steigt mit der Dosis und der Dauer der Anwendung.

What is a generic medicine?

A generic medicine is a drug that imitates brand-name drugs with respect to strength, effect, dosage, form, administration, quality and safety. A generic drug must obtain FDA approval for prescription and consumption.

Can you buy generic medicines online?

You can easily buy generic medicines online as well as from your local pharmacy. The purchase of these brand-name drug alternatives allows patients to significantly save on their medication bills. 80\% of pharmaceutical medications are composed of generic medicine, making them a popular and cost-effective alternative to brand-name medicines.

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Why generic medicines are available in Indian pharmacies?

Generic medicines are available in Indian pharmacies across cities and states as the Indian laws mandate their prescription and sale. When purchasing prescription medicine, you can ask for the generic drugs and benefit from reduced medical bills. Drug manufacturers also make them available online for easy access to patients.

What is the generic name for second generation antihistamines?

Second Generation Antihistamines. Generic name. Brand name. Duration of action. azelastine nasal spray. Astelin. 12h. cetirizine. Zyrtec Allergy, Children’s Zyrtec.