Was bedeutet ein niedriger Insulinwert?

Was bedeutet ein niedriger Insulinwert?

Ein zu niedriger Blutzuckerspiegel ist vor allem für das Gehirn gefährlich, weil es auf Zucker als Energiequelle angewiesen ist. Auf den Mangel reagiert der Körper mit Stresssymptomen wie Schwitzen, Herzrasen und Zittern. Eine schwere Unterzuckerung ist sogar lebensbedrohlich.

Was macht Insulin im Stoffwechsel?

Insulin ist ein wichtiges Hormon für den Stoffwechsel im menschlichen Körper. Es dient vor allem dazu, Traubenzucker (Glukose) aus dem Blut in die Zellen zu schleusen. Dort werden die Zuckermoleküle zur Energiegewinnung benötigt.

What are the side effects of excessive blood insulin?

The side effects of excessive blood insulin include: 1 You may experience increased hunger, together with cravings for sugar and carb-rich food. 2 Reduced levels of the mineral magnesium in your body cells. 3 Increased retention of sodium, which in turn results in body water retention, leading to hypertension.

When should I add bolus insulin to my insulin?

Consider adding bolus insulin once basal dose starts exceeding 0.5 units/kg (e.g. if 90.0 kg and taking more than 45 units basal insulin). Refer to Insulin Formulas . This is a general guideline and is individualized by prescribers, as some patients can be very insulin resistant and may benefit from more concentrated basal insulin.

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How can I adjust the dose of my insulin?

Here are 3 ways to adjust these boluses. A. Adjust the dose by 10\% – 20\% or as deemed appropriate. Consider how the last adjustment worked. If the patient is newer to bolus insulin, consider referencing the BBIT formula for starting bolus insulin to be sure the dose is minimally adequate. e.g.

What should I do if I have trouble with insulin therapy?

Insulin therapy can sometimes be demanding, but it’s an effective way to lower blood sugar levels. If you have any trouble with your insulin regimen, such as difficulty avoiding very low or very high blood sugar levels, be sure to talk to your doctor to see if any adjustments need to be made.