Wie wirkt Tamoxifen auf den Korper?

Wie wirkt Tamoxifen auf den Körper?

Tamoxifen ist ein sogenannter Selektiver-Estrogen-Rezeptor-Modulator (SERM). Das bedeutet seine östrogenhemmende Wirkung ist zell- und gewebespezifisch. So hemmt Tamoxifen im Brustgewebe die Wirkung von Östrogen (antagonistisch) während es in der Gebärmutter, den Knochen oder im Lipidstoffwechsel agonistisch wirkt.

Was passiert wenn man Tamoxifen nicht nimmt?

Frauen, die wegen einer Brustkrebserkrankung Tamoxifen erhalten, sollten die Therapie nicht vorzeitig beenden. Tun sie es doch, droht der Krebs zurückzukommen. Doch nicht nur das. Der Therapieabbruch erhöht auch das Risiko für Herz-Kreislauf-Leiden.

Does tamoxifen really work?

One theory about why tamoxifen does not work in some patients is that – for some reason – in those patients, the drug only produces low levels of endoxifen. Patients with low levels of endoxifen may have worse outcomes on tamoxifen.

What happens when you stop taking tamoxifen?

Despite its protective effects against cancer, some women stop taking tamoxifen because of side effects like hot flashes, mood swings, nausea, vomiting, or weight gain or loss. The drug can cause menstrual irregularities, and changes in sex drive or sleep patterns as well.

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How well does tamoxifen work?

Tamoxifen also keeps healthy breast cells from growing and multiplying. That way, it also reduces the number of cells that could become cancer. In a study of more than 13,000 women at high risk for breast cancer, scientists found that women who took tamoxifen for 5 years had fewer breast cancers than women who took a placebo.

How long should tamoxifen be taken?

This research supports recommendations that tamoxifen should be taken for five years for breast cancer. This is an important finding to highlight, as it is estimated that as many as half of women on tamoxifen stop taking it early. Women who are having problems taking tamoxifen should consult their doctors who may be able to help them.
